Adobe Photoshop Lesson 4 and 5


  • Create elliptical and rectangular selections
  • Lasso tools
  • Combine selections
  • Remove portions of a selection
  • Save and load selections

Selection Tools

    • Used to specify areas of editing within an image.

  • The Option Bar Settings, contains options for changing:
    1. Selection behavior
    2. Feathering
    3. Aliasing
Example of Aliasing and Feathering

Creating Elliptical and Rectangular Selections

  • By clicking right-click the mouse button on the Marquee tool icon opens the Alternate tool available
  • Dragging it will create an area outlined by dotted lines that shows the user which area has been selected.
  • Setting fixed aspect ration will lock the selected region to a specific ratio

Adding and Removing Parts of a Selection

  • Click on the Add to Selection button on the options bar before creating a new selection to the selection area
  • Add to Selection button enables the user to add a new selected area to the image
  • Select > Inverse will inverse the selected area, which means the area which is not selected by the user, will be selected, moreover, the area which is selected, it will be deselected.


  • Softens the edges of a selection

  • Keyboard shortcut
    1. M = toggles the Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee tools
    2. cmd/ctrl + i = Inverses selection
    3. cmd/ctrl + D = deselects selection
    4. cmd/ctrl + H = hides the dotted lines
    5. Hold shift to add to a current selection
    6. Hold Opt/alt key to subtract from current selection

Lasso Tool

There are 3 types of lasso tools:

  1. Polygonal lasso tool, which creates a straight sided selections.
  2. Magnetic lasso tool, which tracks the edges of an objects.
  3. Lasso tool creates selections based on freehand trading.

Saving and Loading Selections

  • Select > Save selection in order to save a selection
  • They are saved in Alpha channels
  • Channels contain specific image data:
    1. Black and white images which contains one color channel
    2. RGB which contains 4 color channels
    3. CMYK contains 5 color channels
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